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Richard Phillips Down Biker Fund - Helping Victims of Motorcycle Accidents
Giving back to Brevard and Indian River County through your generous donations!
Giving back to Brevard and Indian River County through your generous donations!
As motorcycle enthusiasts and riders, we are keenly aware of the obstacles and dangers that we face every time we ride. Every single one of us has known or is someone who has gone down and loved someone who did not get back up. Our goal as a 501c3 organization is to help alleviate some of the immediate financial stress associated with the aftermath of a catastrophic motorcycle accident. As our President Robin Phillips knows firsthand, no one should ever know the pain of feeling alone in their struggle to cope during those first days following a life changing accident.
October 15, 2012, Robin and her husband Richard Phillips were out riding with friends as they did so many other days, when a car crossed the median and headed straight for the riders. God kept Richard alive long enough for her to tell him how much she loved him one last time. The 73yr old woman that caused this catastrophe had been having black outs due to a medical condition and was never officially charged in the accident that shut down all lanes for 13hrs. This senseless loss could've been avoided by seeking competent medical advice, but more importantly, this loving man would still be here today. Following that horrible day, Robin quickly realized the world was standing still as she was grieving the loss of her soulmate and immediately the bills started piling up. The conception of the down biker fund named for her husband, Richard Phillips, became her most heartfelt ambition in life. Robin wants the recipients and their family members to feel some immediate relief with her charity and the gracious donors of the community
From N Seaway Dr. Fort Pierce all of Indian River, Brevard County. We offer a one time blessing to those who have been involved in a catastrophic motorcycle accident. Whether it be a hospital stay or a fatality, as long as it is a street legal bike.
All of our members personally volunteer countless hours between raising funds every weekend as well as meeting with recipients and their families
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Richard Phillips Down Biker Fund